Beautiful, Vivid
Artist Oil
Paint Sets
My paint sets offer the perfect foundation for the colourful world of Michael Harding. The sets provide a rich and fulfilling painting experience.

The Tunbridge Wells selection, the first of four new sets, offers a vibrant array of colors, including Neutral Grey (N7), Turners Yellow, Brilliant Orange, Rose Dore, Wisteria, Lavender, Vivid Blue, Phthalo Blue Red Shade, Cadmium Green, and Moss Green. This set marks the beginning of our 40th-anniversary celebration, with three more sets to follow, each named to reflect Michael Harding’s journey.

Artists unfamiliar with my paints should begin with the MH introductory set. Use this set to mix many colours in my range. Play, experiment, and enjoy true oil paints.
The Introductory set contains:Â
- Titanium White No.1Â
- Yellow Lake
- Ultramarine Blue
- Burnt Umber
- Scarlet Lake
- Yellow Ochre Deep

Inspired by Bermuda and Caribbean adventures, I created this set to capture the essence of the tropics and natural beauty of the islands. The vibrant colours almost paint themselves into beautiful tropical scenes. The Cobalt Teal alone evokes cool ocean breezes and relaxation.
The Tropical set contains:Â
- Warm White
- Yellow Lake
- Brilliant Pink
- Phthalocyanine Blue
- Bright Green LakeÂ
- Cobalt Teal

Paint like an Old Master, affordably. The Modern Master set contains oil paints that look like the Old Master paints but are reasonably priced. For countries where lead is banned, I’ve formulated Warm White with you in mind. Now you have an oil paint that looks like lead but isn’t hazardous.
The Modern Master set contains:Â
- Warm White
- Warm Light Yellow
- Italian Green Umber
- Cadmium Red
- Alizarin Claret
- Ultramarine Blue

The most fulfilling experience as an artist is painting like an Old Master. Why not use an Old Master set comprised of the genuine pigments the Old Masters used? I love this set—it has some of my most beloved pigments, including Genuine Chinese Vermilion, Genuine Lapis Lazuli, Genuine Naples Yellow, and of course, the ever-gorgeous Rose Madder, made from the root of the Rubia Tinctorum plant.
The Old Master set contains:Â
- Cremnitz White
- Genuine Naples YellowÂ
Cobalt Blue (Substituting Series 7 Lapis)
- Terre Verte
- Rose Madder
- Genuine Chinese Vermilion
The Introductory set contains:Â
- Titanium White No.1Â
- Yellow Lake
- Ultramarine Blue
- Burnt Umber
- Scarlet Lake
- Yellow Ochre Deep
The Tropical set contains:Â
- Warm White
- Yellow Lake
- Brilliant Pink
- Phthalocyanine Blue
- Bright Green LakeÂ
- Cobalt Teal
The Modern Master set contains:Â
- Warm White
- Warm Light Yellow
- Italian Green Umber
- Cadmium Red
- Alizarin Claret
- Ultramarine Blue
The Old Master set contains:Â
- Cremnitz White
- Genuine Naples YellowÂ
Cobalt Blue (Substituting Series 7 Lapis)
- Terre Verte
- Rose Madder
- Genuine Chinese Vermilion
The Tunbridge Wells selection, the first of four new sets, offers a vibrant array of colors, including Neutral Grey (N7), Turners Yellow, Brilliant Orange, Rose Dore, Wisteria, Lavender, Vivid Blue, Phthalo Blue Red Shade, Cadmium Green, and Moss Green. This set marks the beginning of our 40th-anniversary celebration, with three more sets to follow, each named to reflect Michael Harding’s journey.

Warm colours, blue skies, and desert vegetation are all captured in this set, which was designed with the Plein Air artist in mind. Find your joy as you mix, blend, and paint in nature using my Desert oil colours.
The Desert set contains:
- Warm White
- Unbleached Titanium Dioxide
- Yellow Lake Deep
- Yellow Ochre Deep
- Venetian Red
- Scarlet Lake
- Burnt Umber
- Italian Green Umber
- Phthalocyanine Blue and Titanium White
- Ultramarine Blue

Want to capture the essence of what you see while painting Plein Air? Then use this versatile set, which has a unique combination of colours that will help you capture the natural beauty of landscapes, flesh tones, and everything in between. Affordably priced, this set gives the Plein Air artist tremendous mixability and flexibility.
The Plein Air Painter set contains:Â
- Titanium White No.2
- Yellow Lake
- Cadmium Red
- Alizarin Claret
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
- Terre Verte
- Burnt Umber
- Yellow Ochre
- Unbleached Titanium Dioxide

If you love the Plein Air painter set and are ready to dip your brush into cadmiums and cobalts, then the Plein Air Master set is for you! While I formulate colours to mimic cadmiums and cobalts at a reasonable price, there’s nothing like the joy that comes from using genuine pigments.
The Plein Air Master set contains:Â
- Titanium White No.2Â
- Cadmium Yellow
- Cadmium Yellow Deep
- Permanent Orange
- Cadmium Red Deep
- Alizarin Claret
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
- Cobalt Green Deep
- Permanent Sap Green
The Desert set contains:
- Warm White
- Unbleached Titanium Dioxide
- Yellow Lake Deep
- Yellow Ochre Deep
- Venetian Red
- Scarlet Lake
- Burnt Umber
- Italian Green Umber
- Phthalocyanine Blue and Titanium White
- Ultramarine Blue
The Plein Air Painter set contains:Â
- Titanium White No.2
- Yellow Lake
- Cadmium Red
- Alizarin Claret
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
- Terre Verte
- Burnt Umber
- Yellow Ochre
- Unbleached Titanium Dioxide
The Plein Air Master set contains:Â
- Titanium White No.2Â
- Cadmium Yellow
- Cadmium Yellow Deep
- Permanent Orange
- Cadmium Red Deep
- Alizarin Claret
- Ultramarine Blue
- Cobalt Blue
- Cobalt Green Deep
- Permanent Sap Green